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Your Swiss Safe For All Your Data

Swiss Hosted Secure and Private Document Storage and Sharing, Encrypted Email and Password Manager. Swiss Privacy and Military Grade Encryption Guaranteed

Get Started

Unlimited notes

Pre-loaded Note Templates

Encrypted Email

Secure Note Sharing with PIN

Secure Data Backup

Secure File-Share

Multi-Users and Groups Creation

Access Rights

Tracking / Delivery Report

Encrypted Password Manager

Military Grade Security

Swiss Privacy Guarantee

Secure And Private Document Storage And Sharing In Switzerland

Securely Manage and Create Encrypted Passwords, Store and Share Notes and Documents of all types, with the protection of Swiss Privacy Laws using Military Grade Encryption. Your data is fully encrypted in SekurSafe and scanned for viruses as you back it up.

Think of us as Your Swiss Safe in the cloud!

Pricing packages for Personal and Business use


100GB of storage

1 user

$50 / month

$550 / year if paid annually

Includes all standard features


500GB of storage

5 users

$250 / month

$2,750 / year if paid annually

Includes all standard features plus

  • Swiss Hosted Company Domain Secure Email
  • Multi-Users and Groups Creation
  • Access Rights


2500GB of storage

25 users

$1,250 / month

$13,750 / year if paid annually

Includes all standard features plus

  • Swiss Hosted Company Domain Secure Email
  • Multi-Users and Groups Creation
  • Access Rights


Pricing available upon request.

Includes all standard features plus

  • Swiss Hosted Company Domain Secure Email
  • Multi-Users and Groups Creation
  • Access Rights

All packages include:

Unlimited Notes
Encrypted Password Manager
Swiss Hosted Secure Email
Secure File-share
Secure Note Sharing with PIN
Swiss Privacy Guarantee
Pre-loaded Note Templates
Tracking/Delivery Report
Military Grade Security
Secure Data Backup

Your data stays private and secure in Switzerland!

Our state-of-the-art computer and storage servers are located in ISO certified, Swiss bank approved data centres with all the security and precautions you would expect from data centres in Switzerland serving some of the biggest banks and organizations in the world. Our network is protected by an enterprise-class firewall and all SekurSafe plans include SSL encryption to keep your data safe.

Security is our primary concern

Whether it is physical, network or encryption security, we make sure your information is held in a safe place and manner using bank grade encryption security. We are Swiss based, all of your data is stored in Switzerland in a Swiss bank approved state of the art ISO certified data centre. No one has access to your SekurSafe, just like a Swiss banking safe. Confidentiality, Security and Reliability are what we live for.

All user data is protected by the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (FADP) and the Swiss Federal Data Protection Ordinance, which offers some of the strongest privacy protection in the world for both individuals and entities.

More info... Get Started

Why Switzerland

Switzerland has a stable, prosperous and high-tech economy and enjoys great wealth, being ranked as the wealthiest country in the world in per capita in multiple rankings. The World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report currently ranks Switzerland's economy as the most competitive in the world, while ranked by the European Union as Europe's most innovative country. Switzerland is home to several large multinational corporations and is ranked as having one of the most powerful economies in the world.


Switzerland has a long history of neutrality—It has not been in war since 1815 and has remained neutral in any international political affairs.


Switzerland remains independent in any government or political matter, is not a member of the EU and European Economic Area. Furthermore, it is listed among the top five countries in the “Economic Freedom” index.


Switzerland has the strictest privacy laws in the word. All user data is protected by the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (FADP) and the Swiss Federal Data Protection Ordinance which offers some of the strongest privacy protection in the world for both individuals and entities.

Low environmental risks

Switzerland isn’t prone to environmental risks, such as hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanos, earthquakes, forest fires or floods.

Long lasting stability

Switzerland has an unemployment rate below 3,5% and has the highest wealth per adult in the world. It is rated the most efficient economy in the world.

Low network latency

Switzerland’s location is beneficial for any operation, due to the short distances within Europe and Switzerland being situated between the Asia/Middle East and North America.

Excellent International Relations

Switzerland pursues an active foreign policy and is home to a large number of international organizations, including the second largest UN office and the Red Cross.

Privacy is the new Security

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